did a study proving that the average Mountain Bike weighs 28 pounds or 12.7 kilograms. But there may be more to this statistic than you think. In this article we explain all there is to know to help answer your question – how much do mountain bikes weigh?

Does Mountain Bike weight matter?
So what’s all this fuss about the weight of a Mountain Bike in the first place?
Is it really worth the extra cash just to shave off a few ounces on the scale?
To the average weekend rider, this may not even be a thought.
You’ve been riding on and off for a few months now and are just now starting to explore your bike. Why would you ever feel the need to upgrade to something lighter?
While the issue of weight can be trivial to some, there’s a reason it matters so much in the modern day of Mountain Biking.
Today – Mountain Biking is becoming more and more popular, spreading its appeal from overseas and infecting the youth of America with its promises of glory and adventure.
Just take a look at some of the trending videos on YouTube and you’re sure to see some of the highlights from the latest Redbull Rampage or even some crazy mountain bike wipeout videos.
While these videos can all be entertaining – the truth is, that Mountain Biking is finally getting the recognition it deserves as an Extreme Sport in America.
And what’s behind all this recent recognition?
Televised Sports and Competitions.
Yes – The reason we have seen so much advancement and growth in Mountain Biking in recent years, comes in part to the dedication of the brave athletes who race across miles of singletrack and jump across impossible gaps – proudly representing Mountain Biking as a Sport.
While you and I may “loosely” represent the idea of a Mountain Biker, professional athletes train day and night to be the fastest and best Mountain Biker out on the trail.
It is these individuals we have to thank for some of the coolest tech we have seen on Mountain Bikes in recent years like; dropper seat posts, power meters, and even electronic shifting!
They have trained so well, that the difference between a win or loss no longer falls on their skills, but more so on the bike their riding.
Maxing out the potential of Human ability, professional Mountain Bikers now require bikes that are stronger, faster, and Lighter than ever.
Sparking the concern of how much do Mountain Bikes weigh – manufacturers are now producing technology that significantly reduces the average weight of a Mountain Bike.
These lighter Mountain Bikes are helping racers win races, but they’re also teaching manufacturers to build stronger bikes out of lighter materials.
The result?
Faster and Stronger Bikes.
Regardless if it applies to you, the fact that the weight of Mountain Bikes is decreasing helps us all.
So what if you have no plans of racing? Or do you just Mountain Bike as a Hobby and to stay active? Does Mountain Bike weight matter to you?
Probably not…and you can feel safe knowing that it may never need to matter to you.
Fortunately, the same manufacturers who make bikes for the pros, also make bikes for the average consumer. I mention some of the best brands available today in my article, “Best Mountain Bike Brands”.
That means – our bikes slowly upgrade over time, often with similar technology to the pros.
Mountain Bikes have been around long enough, that the average consumer mountain bike weighs comparable to the same bikes used by pro athletes. That is why we are able to give such an accurate estimate when people ask how much Mountain Bikes weigh.
If you were to take a bike from Walmart and a pro bike straight from the trail, the difference in weight could be just a few pounds.
At the end of the day, the real question is – does Mountain Bike weight matter to you?

Why are Mountain Bikes heavy?
If you’re searching – how much do Mountain Bikes weigh? – you may already figure that they carry a lot of weight. But why are Mountain Bikes so heavy?
The short answer is that they need to be.
It’s understandable that Road Bikes are so light; they only need to move as fast as possible over relatively smooth surfaces.
Mountain Bikes on the other hand, have some really important jobs out on the trail.
Mountain Bikes are heavy because the features they have to keep you safe on a trail add additional weight.
Could you imagine a skinny road bike wheel hitting a berm at 20+ miles per hour without folding?
And yeah, that suspension can add a lot of pounds to the bike, but it’s necessary if you ever plan to ride trails like Whistler.
But don’t worry too much. As I mentioned before, modern Mountain Bikes are getting lighter and lighter.
What are the main contributors to the weight of a Mountain Bike?
In our quest to determine the average Mountain Bike weight, we found a study by MountainBikeAction that surprised us.
In their article they completely disassembled a Mountain Bike and found that 67% of the weight lies in just four parts; the wheels, the fork, the frame, and the drivetrain
Wheels – 33.60%
Accounting for almost 34 percent of the total weight of a Mountain Bike, the wheels are the thing that add the most weight to your bike. They support your weight, and all braking force, and must hold form to operate smoothly.
Fork – 14.85%
Coming in second as one of the heaviest parts on your bike, the front suspension fork adds almost 15 percent of the weight on your bike. This does not even include the stem and handlebar, which add minimal weight compared to these 4.
Frame – 11.38%
Lighter than most people think, the frame doesn’t usually play a huge role when asking how much do Mountain Bikes weigh. Accounting for just 11 percent of the overall weight, you can see that other parts play a bigger role in determining the average Mountain Bike weight.
Drivetrain – 7.14%
Coming in fourth as one of the heaviest parts of a Mountain Bike, the drivetrain is the heart of your bike. This part adds a lot of weight to the bike, and that’s not even including the chain, which adds an additional 2.5 percent.
So how much do Mountain Bikes weigh? Well – you see now that it really comes down to a small list of parts on the bike.
This list will come in handy a little further down the article when we talk about reducing weight.
Is 30lbs heavy for a Mountain bike?
Don’t freak out if your bike weighs 30 pounds, this is a common weight and isn’t anything to be alarmed about.
30 pounds is actually an average Mountain Bike weight and is perfectly suitable for beginners or average riders. In fact, Seth Bikes Hacks did a great video on this here.
In short, you may not even notice that your bike has a few extra pounds. And when you do, chances are that you’re ready for an upgrade anyway.
What’s a good weight for a Mountain Bike?
So what’s a good weight for a Mountain Bike?
Generally, you want to shoot for a Mountain Bike between 24 and 28 pounds.
This weight allows you to get all the stability from a Mountain Bike without being too heavy to maneuver.
But there’s just one problem…we’re still talking about the Average Mountain Bike weight.
If you really want to know how much Mountain Bikes weigh, you have to break it down further.
To fully answer the question – how much do Mountain Bikes weigh – we will provide examples from the many types of Mountain Bike.
Average weight for each type of Mountain Bike
How much do Mountain Bikes weigh? – That question can only really be answered by breaking down each type of Mountain Bike, as they all have different features and weight.
As a preliminary step, it is first best to identify the two ways to categories a Mountain Bike; Hardtail and Full-Suspension.
What’s the average weight of a Hardtail?
The average Hardtail Mountain Bike weighs between 26 and 28 pounds.
Hardtails are built to be lightweight and relatively simple, making them a popular choice for XC racers and weekend riders alike.
Since they only have suspension in the front, they save on a lot of the added weight that would otherwise come with a Full-suspension Mountain Bike.
Average weight of full suspension
The average Full-suspension Mountain Bike will run between 30 and 34 pounds.
Full -suspension Mountain Bikes are the ultimate trail riding bike. They have the added benefit of a rear suspension, making them extremely versatile and capable.
Unfortunately, the extra suspension requires a special frame geometry that often results in added weight.
In addition to the added weight of a suspension shock, the parts that allow the bike to pivot add a small amount of weight on their own.
But don’t count out Full-suspension Mountain Bikes just yet. Manufacturers have been researching new technologies to close the gap of benefits between Full-suspension and Hardtail Mountain Bikes.
What is the average weight of an XC bike?
How much do Mountain Bikes weigh? – If you want to know why that can be a tough question to ask, it’s because there are bikes out there so light that it’s hard to believe they’re Mountain Bikes.
This is definitely the case with XC Mountain Bikes, they are being built so advanced that they’re as light as good Road Bikes.
The average XC Mountain bike can weigh any where between 26 and 28 pounds, however, there are some out there that are lighter than that.
Take for example the Scott Scale RC 900 SL hardtail mountain bike – A bike shop mechanic in Sweden was able to get his down to a total weight of 13.71 pounds.
Even more surprising, that same guy was able to build a full-suspension bike weighing in at just 17.3 pounds.
Average weight of All-Mountain bikes
All-Mountain Bikes average around 30 pounds.
Just like what they are named for, this type of Mountain Bike has to be extremely versatile on the trail – This translates to a Full-suspension Mountain Bike
With the added suspension, you can expect an All-Mountain Bike to be heavier than the average XC bike.
How Heavy are downhill Mountain Bikes?
Downhill Mountain Bikes are the heaviest Full-suspension bike and they average around 35 pounds.
You can even expect DH bikes to reach weights of up to 40 pounds.
Downhill bikes are heavier due to the purpose and conditions they are for; fast and hard riding.
Since DH riding calls for added stability and protection, expect extra weight in the forks, brakes, and frame.
And a full suspension is a must for DH bikes.
Average weight of 29er
Surprisingly, 29er Mountain Bikes average about 28 to 30 pounds.
You would expect the larger wheels to add a lot of weight, being one of the heaviest parts on the bike, but the tradeoff balances out.
Manufacturers have found ways to close the weight gap between 29ers and smaller wheel sizes by improving the material and frame geometry.
The added weight is typically offset by the greater rolling assistance.
In fact, 29ers are a popular Mountain Bike for XC racers.
How to make a Mountain Bike lighter?
If you are particularly concerned with weight, there are plenty of ways for you to make your Mountain Bike lighter.
Going back to the previous paragraph on the top 4 contributors to the weight of a Mountain Bike, here are few easy Mountain Bike weight reduction tips.
Wheels –
• Upgrade your Wheelsets – stock wheels can be pretty heavy, new wheelsets will not only reduce weight, but will also give you a better ride.
• Go Tubeless – although the weight saved can be minimal, going tubeless with your tires is an easy way to save weight on your Mountain Bike. If you need any info on this, check out my article, “How to Maintain Tubeless Tires”.
Pedals –
• Go Clipless – Clipless pedals can be a commitment, but they save quite a lot of weight off the bike.
Drivetrain –
• Get a 1x – This simplifies shifting but can also save you quite a bit of weight.
Frame –
• Go Carbon – If you want to have the lightest frame out there, opt for a Carbon frame – but expect to pay the big bucks.
Extra –
• Full Minimalist – Remove any unnecessary parts like phone mounts, bottle cages, etc. The weight saved will be minimal, but worth it if you’re trying to squeeze in all you can.
In conclusion, there is a wide range of weight for Mountain Bikes, especially when you take into account the many different types.
I hope this article answered your question of – how much do Mountain Bikes weigh?
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out below